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We connect with your audience on a personal level.

We use predictive data analytics to find your target customers and talk to them.

1. Market research

We start by getting to know your target market and the best way to engage with them.

2. Audience segmentation

We segment your target audiences into groups who will engage with specific messages.

3. Targeted conversations

We design and execute campaigns that get the right messages to the right people.

4. Evaluation

We use campaign data to inform future outreach.

Data-driven approach.

We use data analytics to understand your target audience, then use this knowledge to connect with each individual on a personal level.

Why Easy Tweety?

Save time

We'll save you 60 hrs a month. Companies often waste hours each day operating social media accounts with little results.

Return on investment

We'll rapidly increase your brand awareness over social media and generate more leads and more sales.

Industry experts

You'll have access to industry leading expertise for less than the cost of an intern.

Increase sales

We have found that our personal approach to customer interaction consistently leads to higher sales.

You are not alone

Many leading brands have increased their sales with Easy Tweety.

"Jamie did an awesome job managing the Veeqo social media channels. As well pulling together an excellent weekly content calendar, he also managed to double our followers on both Facebook and Twitter within a few months."

Duncan La Barre
Head of Communications and Brand

"Jamie helped us achieve significant efficiencies in the way we approach our social media including standardised image templates, and scheduling tools. We also learned our sweet spot for quantity and timing our posts for maximum reach and engagement. We were able to cut out a lot of trial and error by harnessing Jamie's expertise."

Steph Bond-Hutkin
Marketing Director

Get in touch to receive a detailed proposal.

You'll also get your first month half price.

Simple and open pricing...

Customer acquisition

• Up to 10 Twitter posts per day.
• Up to 4 Facebook posts per day.
• Up to 2 Instagram posts per day.
• 5 original graphics designed each week.
• Detailed content calendar.
• Hundreds of targeted conversations.
• Managing Facebook ads.
• In-depth monthly reports.

Only £1,295 per month.

Get in touch!

You're going to love it!