Clients we've worked with


Nosh is one of the fastest growing companies in Hong-Kong. This Alibaba backed startup cooks and delivers healthy meals directly to your home or office. They are massively popular in the expat community and have just released a new asian style menu. One of the unique challenges is successfully delivery marketing messages to both the local and expat communities. It requires posting in both English and Traditional Chinese.


Transcount are bringing innovation to an industry that until now has been seen as some what less than glamorous. They are paving the way for the uberization of logistics with their software for freight forwarding companies. Logistics is a huge and growing market. In this industry it’s important to clearly communicate the distinct advantages of a product and catch the attention of customers at the same time.

Eden Diodati

Eden Diodati is an exquisite line of ethical luxury jewellery. All of their products are produced by woman who survived the Rwandan genocide. They have unique branding and style and for that reason an incredibly high attention to detail is required for the exceptionally creative content that is shared on their social channels.


NextMenu is a digital tablet-style menu for restaurants. The product saves restaurants time and money while also improving the experience for customers. Easy Tweety has been generating original content for their Facebook and Twitter. We also attended and live tweeted from a tradeshow that NextMenu was sponsoring.


Veeqo is a multi channel ecommerce platforms. It provides a way for companies to manage all of their sales in one place. Veeqo have a great product and they're also doing some brilliant content marketing in-house. However, this is only useful if people hear about what you’re doing. Easy Tweety was able to develop an entirely new engagement strategy that massively increased their followers and click through rates.


Y-cam are the creators of smart security cameras. It’s a fantastic product that stands out in a fast changing market. Easy Tweety was brought into the fold to increase sales through social media. This required a mixture of advanced targeting and personal conversations to convert more followers into customers.


Draft is an exciting new fantasy football game. It’s an imaginative and innovative interpretation on a modern classic. They came to Easy Tweety looking for dynamic up-to-date tweets and Facebook posts about the latest football news and player gossip.

Solar Analytics

Solar Analytics offer a way for people to track the performance of their home solar panels. This alerts them if their are any issue or if their is a way for their positioning to be improved. They are an Australian company and all of their current user base are located there. They wanted to use their social media to show that their industry expertise and highlight the fact that they’re leaders in their market. This required a constantly rotating content calendar that’s continually adapting to their fast growing market. Easy Tweety put in place and executed a strategy that increased engagement and reach.


Storemates is the airbnb of storage. It offers cheap local storage through the sharing economy. If you you have spare space you can make money by renting it out. Storemates came to Easy Tweety looking for unique content for their Facebook and Twitter posts. They’re an exciting and growing platform and they not fit the traditional norms of their industry. They also have a much younger and diverse audience than other storage companies. We were successful in invigorating their social channels with variety of content and broadening their audience even further.

Flatline Experience

Flatline Experience is a series of cutting-edge virtual reality films. They take the audience through true stories of near death experiences, many have described it as life changing. Flatline reached out to Easy Tweety in the run up to their launch. The main goal was to create a hype around the product and generate sign-ups. This was done by reaching out to the online communities that the product appeals to and creating discussions amongst them. People that expressed interest in the product were asked for their email address and were offered exclusive early access.


Jukedeck are an award winning company that uses artificial intelligence to compose bespoke pieces of music. They’ve written software that understands music and is able to compose in a wide range of styles - well worth checking out their website! A lot of people are dubious of the ability of a computer to be artistic, this one of the key misconceptions that we had to get over on Facebook and Twitter. This was done by encouraging people to listen and share the music and by getting them to try out the app themselves. The other important challenge in this project was to be as personable as possible. Artificial intelligence is seen as cold and hard to relate to, so it is important that the brand’s voice is warm, friendly and informal.

For detailed case studies and statistics on the growth we've achieved for our clients, please email us at: